Tired of Endless Scrolling? Get Straight to the Point.

Cut Through the Noise, Discover The True Opinion of People.

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Why Opinoz?

We share your frustration with the spread of inaccurate information and misleading news. That's why we're building a platform where community collaboration meets cutting-edge AI. Together, we can navigate through the noise and find trustworthy opinions and insights.

Information Overload

People are bombarded with opinions online, making it hard to discern what's accurate, popular, or well-reasoned.

Lack of Concise Summaries

Reading through long comment threads to understand the general sentiment on a topic is time-consuming and frustrating.

Time Investment

Thoroughly understanding an issue and the arguments around it can be a significant time commitment.

Social Media Bubbles

Social platforms frequently reinforce personal biases rather than fostering exposure to diverse perspectives.
How we are solving
the Problem?
Our platform combines the power of community wisdom with cutting-edge AI to combat the spread of inaccurate information.
Community-Driven Fact-Checking
Users can vote on the accuracy of opinions ("right," "wrong", "not sure"), helping to surface the most reliable information.
AI-Powered Summarization
1. Summarize lengthy discussions and articles, providing quick overviews and key arguments.
2. Potentially identify and flag potential misinformation or heavily biased statements.
Diverse Viewpoint Exposure
1. The voting system and AI summaries ideally bring visibility to well-reasoned arguments from various perspectives.
2. Actively promote the "not sure" option to encourage consideration of opposing views.
Fact-Checking Integration
Our system will debunk every one of the inaccurate and misleading facts that are circulating on social media and present the most accurate information available.

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